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Pneumatic Solenoid Triggered "Marshmallow" Cannon 

Date: Spring 2022

Welcome to my Pneumatic Solenoid Triggered "Marshmallow" Cannon! Here you have access to a project overview which includes our final poster, media as well as a brief abstract of the project. To learn more in depth information check out my final report which can be found by clicking the button below the video.

Pneumatic Solenoid Triggered Marshmallow Cannon Poster.png
Click to download 

To learn more in depth information check out my final report or informative design expo posters which can be accessed by clicking on the following links below.

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Project Description

The purpose of this project was to design an experiment, integrate and calibrate a sensor, write custom software and run an appropriate analysis of our data around a phenomenon that interests us as a group. Additionally, this experiment was used as a test on how we use our skills that we have developed throughout the course of Data Analysis in regards to DAQ and sensor selection as well as LabView knowledge. We chose to conduct our experiment around the physics involved with pneumatic air cannons and solenoids so that we could create a cannon that we could perform an analysis on to determine optimal pressure and barrel length that yield the maximum escape velocity. Throughout this experiment and analysis, we were able to take a mathematical model and our own data and analyze it to determine these variables.

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Full pneumatic air cannon setup fully assembled

(Left) DAQ and circuit schematic, (Middle) Phototransistor sensor circuit and (Right) experimental setup

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Experimental setup for data collection 

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